Alright so here is my kin list lol, I'll update it whenever I end up getting new ones. I don't have a lot rn as im first making this blog but uhm ye I just felt this could be a good way to get to know me. Since I currently don't have many I'll right out why I kin them too :3 the reasons will mostly be quoted from the wiki btw • Luna (Solarballs): " » Continue Reading
Heeeyyyyy soooo idk how to really start this off but ok I mainly just have a question. So I'm a therian, specifically a cat therian (Stated in my profile) but recently i've gotten like phantom shifts of like antennas and a tail like an alien, so would that count as another theriotype or something else? I've tried googling it but nothing was really showing up and this was the only place I could thi... » Continue Reading