Alright so here is my kin list lol, I'll update it whenever I end up getting new ones. I don't have a lot rn as im first making this blog but uhm ye I just felt this could be a good way to get to know me. Since I currently don't have many I'll right out why I kin them too :3 the reasons will mostly be quoted from the wiki btw
• Luna (Solarballs): "Moon, or Luna, is kind and stays quiet most of the time" "he recognizes and speaks out against injustice, but unlike Titan (who ultimately followed Ganymede's plan of a more violent attack) tries to stop through peaceful methods to reach a better level of understanding. He has an optimistic personality." "The Moon believes that everyone is unique in their own way" "He also doesn't like being called "Earth's Moon" and wants to be called by his preferred name: Luna, although he has never shown dislike towards his official name the Moon" (Except for me Luna would be Caelus, Moon would be Olive even tho that's not my actual name, and Earth's Moon would be my real name) and yea i just really find myself in Luna and he is my highest kin
• Gnarpy (Regretevator): This one isn't really cuz of xyr personality, but because Gnarpy is an alien (Technically Gnarpian but it's close enough) which would make sense if you've seen my other blog (probs haven't) and also the fact that xe goes by, well, xe/they, which I find incredibly relatable especially when those are my pronouns. But I don't actually act like their personality so ye
Ok that's my only kins so far but ye ok byeeee
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