Category: Life
my grandma just made me a cute little hair accessory and i dont have the heart to tell her that she put the letters for my name on there backwards bc shes so wxcited showing it to me i love her so much » Continue Reading
"playing roblox!"
im 16, plss dont be a freak
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Category: Life
my grandma just made me a cute little hair accessory and i dont have the heart to tell her that she put the letters for my name on there backwards bc shes so wxcited showing it to me i love her so much » Continue Reading
Category: School, College, University
chemistry is horrible, im a junior but for some awful reason my school decided to put me in advanced science (which was fine until this class), and so im stuck in it. the math is stupid, and we have to write a paper based on a topic of our choosing, and its a forced partner thing. and my partner has done nothing, nothing , like we’ve turned in our title and introduction so far and the only » Continue Reading