I did mention I’m an artist right? You can contact me here or even on my ToyHouse where I also sell characters and adopts. (I do haggle and many are ‘ set your own price ’.) So pop on over for a visit if you’re interested! https://toyhou.se/AziFell/characters/folder:5598250 Also…. Prices: Sketch: $1 Lineart: $5 » Continue Reading
I’ve been busy, lol. I mean, that’s the title. Im also offering pokemon designs now! My commissions are always open! $5 for custom/redesign and $7 for reference sheet! $10 for both! I take CashApp! » Continue Reading
Got a hold of this guy on ToyHouse. He had been floating around since forever and nobody wanted him apparently, so I took him on and here is the redesign! » Continue Reading
Drew this in the past two days. I wanted to recreate the image, but theres so many errors in the drawing, I’m not gonna use this for a thumbnail like I planned. » Continue Reading
All my commissions are finished! So more are open! :3 I also can do work for projects too should you be designing a species or whatnot. I can do character art too! Just message me! Multiple works get a discount. » Continue Reading
Just finish the wip I’ve posted yesterday. A requested Eevee and Morelull PokeFusion. The flower on its head is actually a nocturnal breed and grows via the light produced by the mushroom lamp hanging above its head. You guys think I go too far making fusions? » Continue Reading
I’ve been busy my guys! These are my two most recently completed: Then these. The first one is a commission where I was denied the agreed character trade and I will not be taking commissions from that artist again. The second one is mine and was originally an adopt I t » Continue Reading
Hello! I’m back-! Hurricane Milton has come and gone with minimal damage because it could’ve been a lot worse. My area was hit by strong winds, and plenty of lightning/rain. Anywy, my family and I are okay, power is back on and everything is all good. On a less disaster related note, I have a ton of free characters on my ToyHouse. They are free to anybody. Just follow this link: https://toyho » Continue Reading
Hurricane Milton coming soon- like tomorrow evening. With that, I want to say that I may not be on for a while as I live in central Florida, and its coming right over us. We are staying safe, hunkering down. I don’t think flooding will be an issue. *knocks on wood* But, you know. Anyway there’s that… On a brighter note, I have art! This one is colored. Fancy~ » Continue Reading
Hello, SpaceHey! This is my first blog post. Yay! \(^u^)/ I’m an artist from Florida and… well, this is my blog! Feel free to friend me if you like, I don’t mind! I also do freelance commissions for a cheap price, but I may make a separate post for all that hullabaloo. For now, just saying hello, and tossing a bit of art your way. *yeet* » Continue Reading