if youre in america, especially if youre on tiktok, you probably know where this is going. the last couple months have been rough on the world, wars across seas, large organisations stealing data, A.I taking over the art community and ruining lives, governmental climate change denial leading us to a state of no return, ceos being shot, and now our president admitting we are in an oligarchy (as if ... » Continue Reading
so i have been a pagan witch and been in the community of witches for about six years now and let me tell you the amount of information locked behind a paywall in this community is ridiculous. especially because most of what people put behind the paywall is stuff that can be researched for free or in much cheaper books. like look at that, $120 for you to what? tell me to use these herbs and t » Continue Reading
hey guys! this week was a weird mix of absolute bunz and actually kinda bearable. the rain started on tuesday as a nice sprinkle of rain mixed with calm winds and it was super nice, but obviously that was just the calm before the storm. it started really picking up on wednesday and lasted that whole day and night. wednesday my routine is kinda messed up so i normally start cooking and eating food... » Continue Reading
i dont have much news really, but i wanted to do another blog :p theres another hurricane coming soon, its supposed to be a direct hit but our area doesnt seem to get that bad. hopefully it stays that way :D and i did actually do stuff this week which is new for me first big event, i went to the arcade with my boyfriend and our friend (mostly my bfs tho). i didnt say anything abt it but i lowkey f... » Continue Reading
so i unofficially finished my profile last night after like nine hours of messing with it and i definitely need to fix some things BUT TS IS CONFUSING WHAT AM I DOING WRONG anyways i wanna treat this thing like a diary but honestly i might just forget about it one day on accident. plus nothing super exciting really happens to me. ive been out of school for like two years but havent been able to ge... » Continue Reading