Category: Friends
Hello everynyan !! (=^・ェ・^=) How are you today ? I've been through a lot recently but I'll be happy to hear from you guys Qotd : fav flower ? » Continue Reading
"I am a shiny espeon"
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Category: Friends
Hello everynyan !! (=^・ェ・^=) How are you today ? I've been through a lot recently but I'll be happy to hear from you guys Qotd : fav flower ? » Continue Reading
Category: Friends
Hi again everypony !! Here is a little intro before I fully make my profile. My pronouns are He/they/meow My fav animal is black tip shark I'm from France English isn't my main language so I may make mistakes I love plushies, Sanrio, animes/mangas, music, customizing things, ... I have a gf » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Hello everypony !! (。・ω・。)ノ♡ How are you guyss ? Today's qotd : what is your favorite movie ? » Continue Reading
Category: Friends
Hii everyone !! Almost all of my teachers are absent today, which means i'll be coming home earlier :D A friend and I spent the whole night finishing a homework only for the teacher not to be here, and another friend's first period was cancelled (she lives one hour away from our school), that made us kinda angry at the school for not sending any email. Anyways, that brings us to the qotd : what i... » Continue Reading
Category: Friends
Heyy ppl >_ < How r u all ?? I'm going to my friend's bday 2night I'm sooo excited !1!1!! I bought her scented items of her fav colors cuz she likes those a lot, it's scented like lemon and green tea (and also one that's supposed to smell like the sea) (。・ω・。)ノ♡ Do u think she'll like it ?? Anywayzz today's qotd is : Who is your fav Sanrio character ?? » Continue Reading
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Category: Friends
Hii every1 :p I'm going to my friend's bday 2morrow !1! Anyways what r u doing guys ? And what's your fav ice cream flavor ?? ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ » Continue Reading