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Im kinda bored So i guess ask anything about oskar
Category: Friends
I don't really know why im doing this but i guess it would be interesting to interact with yall :D » Continue Reading
"Messing about"
Random furry dude that like tf2 and Fallout, few other games
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Category: Friends
I don't really know why im doing this but i guess it would be interesting to interact with yall :D » Continue Reading
Category: Games
I put these in games because i don't consider this stuff art really since its just posing a bunch of ragdolls and cosmetics :P This is my medic and sniper just hanging out. my medic and 2 of my friends merc's :P I post these on steam so if you see something simular thats most likely me :D » Continue Reading
Category: Games
So i want to make some scenes in gmod but honestly i can't really think of anything good at the moment and i can't really think of any other mercs to put into those scenes leaving alot of empty spaces for characters. If you have a suggestion of a merc i could use in one of my gmod scenes that would be awesome :P » Continue Reading
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Category: Games
Imgur: The magic of the Internet Honestly i had got bored so i made this in gmod. If you are interested i could replace the heavy with your merc. They can be doing about anything together but the whole idea is they are just chilling there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alrig » Continue Reading
Category: Games
So i discovered this on accident. Decided to check it out and it seems like a pretty cool place to be at. Just going to hang around for awhile to see how it goes. Thanks for reading this if you did lol. » Continue Reading