Okay so even where do I start? So news of former MCR's drummer Bob bryar's passing had spread on November 30th. Most if not all sources say he was last seen alive on November 4th which is HEARTBREAKING. To everyone making fun of his death just because he said some bad shit in the past is crazy. I do not support anything he has said or done however he has said that he contacted Mikey, apologized, a... » Continue Reading
Okay, so my boyfriend got me this rosary and he is very religious however I am not; I have been and probably always will be an atheist. I love this rosary to death but it means nothing of religious value to me, I don't believe in god in any way and I certainly do not know enough prayers to even attempt to pray to the rosary. But to me it symbolizes a lot more; in simple terms, to me, it is a symbo... » Continue Reading