And thus, the longest four-day work week ever finally draws to a close. If you're feeling worn out, trust me, you're not alone. Despite having just come off of a three-day weekend, I'm ready for a vacation already. Adjusting to the 9-5 lifestyle is going well enough, albeit slowly, and while it's nice not having to worry (as much) about bills and school deadlines and whatnot, there is that feeling... » Continue Reading
Hello, Apollo -- where should I begin? It's been a hot minute since I kept a journal of any kind, much less on the internet, but it seems like as good an opportunity to try something new-but-old-school given the "new Myspace". Then again, maybe I was looking for an excuse. Regardless, here it is and here we are. My name's Kate -- that's always a good place to start, right? A lot has happened since... » Continue Reading