my bd
Category: Blogging
my bd was on augs 29 I got so much money I was so happy then i got doom on my Nintendo it was so cool and i had pie for my bd and went to hot topic and got some of my band shrits » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
my bd was on augs 29 I got so much money I was so happy then i got doom on my Nintendo it was so cool and i had pie for my bd and went to hot topic and got some of my band shrits » Continue Reading
Category: Life
i have't been bloging because of high school but my school has been alright i did'nt meet some new friends i really wants some friends but anyway the teachers are really nice and they want to see my artwork they really like it and my mom got me a bus so now i have to ride the bus and i try talk in this discord server and nobody was really talking to me so thats that and i feel like i was geting bu... » Continue Reading