Category: School, College, University
im so tired of having to come to school every day, like we finished all of our state testing what are we still coming her for, ridiculous » Continue Reading
"school probs"
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Category: School, College, University
im so tired of having to come to school every day, like we finished all of our state testing what are we still coming her for, ridiculous » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
I had my state test for math today and it was.. okay-ish ::::| I definitely don't think I did the best out of like everyone ever but I think I passed at least!! my best friend is being very silly today and I had a lot of fun messing around with them after the test!! I love hanging out with bro he's very cool » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
I had to take this diagnostic for a class and I got like the highest score on everything but grammar wtf » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
rn I'm in la clase de espanol and its honestly supurr boringggggg.. my bsf isn't here so I have to talk to othurr people and its dreadful (not really tho) it will probably get more enjoyable laturr but we can only hope lol, Im literally posting 2 nobody but Ill most likely post again later ::::P » Continue Reading