So midterms wasnt bad i guess, i forgot to do a blog on the rest of the week and i never knew its been 15 days. This website i guess will be some notes will be left forever after i die so theres the sentiment of me being here. Anyway im kind of.. scared lately I hope the things i fear wont happen. » Continue Reading
Well damn. Tommorow is our midterms, its going to last three days, my groupmates has NOT responded yet and i dont even know if our class pred passed the other group's work already, though the other 2 groups hasnt uploaded yet as well, i guess we arent alone nonetheless I only have 1 to take tommorow on the first day, I am exempted on the other one from a reason that my teacher said: i share the s... » Continue Reading
This is my first blog in this website, im officially going to start making things in the internet as i was always been a wonderer, i am currently making a small project of an edit as of writing this, idk if ill post it, as i barely started currently. Anyway thats my first blog entry here goodbye. -Miyakazine » Continue Reading