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Me with mufflers and Without Mufflers
Category: Art and Photography
My pics i want to be emo Cute, maybe? » Continue Reading
"Studying or Reading something, but disponible"
17 Years, Brazil, SP, (She/He), Autistic and probably witch
Last active:
SpaceHey Blog URL:
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Category: Art and Photography
My pics i want to be emo Cute, maybe? » Continue Reading
Category: School, College, University
I hate how the ppl in school are so boring and superficial, sometimes i just want to leave and never come back again, i want to go to the university as soon as possible maybe some virtual friends or interesting ppl in spacehey can bring me some fun or something like that, how do you guys feel about school, or work, college, university, how do you feel? » Continue Reading
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Category: School, College, University
É simplesmente incongruente e inconsistente o jeito que o ensino é passado por aqui (Brasil). Agora com esse novo ensino médio, eu que já estudo em uma das melhores escolas do estado só me fodo muito com matérias inúteis que cobram muitos trabalhos e despendem tempo além do que tenho considerando os vestibulares e concursos os quais devo prestar nesse 3º ano. Um pequeno desabafo de um estudante pa... » Continue Reading