Category: Life
I just put in eight hours at my full time job, and now to put in another four hours at another. » Continue Reading
"Just relaxing after dinner"
Sixty four years old, but loving to have fun in life.
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Category: Life
I just put in eight hours at my full time job, and now to put in another four hours at another. » Continue Reading
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Category: Games
I am working on a game prep for a local game store. I use a digital as well as physical setup. The map is projected on the wall via a laptop. The players use laser pointers to direct where they want the tokens for the characters moved. I allow the players to use digital devices to help learn spells and the characters' abilities on the character sheet. I am a lucky DM as my players are not power g... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Today I woke up at five in the morning. I cleaned the house before going into work. Now relaxing after having dinner. I will drink a few glasses of wine tonight before bed. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I went for a long walk Tonight under a cloudless sky with a temperature of twenty-seven degrees. I do 3.33 miles. My fingers were covered with gloves, and my face was covered in a mask to trap warm breath. I also wore a knit cap. I wore shorts and a T-shirt as after a quarter mile my body was warmed from the exercise. Once home I took a long hot shower and shave my face as I have to wake up at 05:... » Continue Reading