Hello everyone! >:) This is my second blog and I am going to explain a little about, in a few words, how to be part of the visual kei subculture. This is like a little guide so don't take it too seriously LOLL First, what is visual kei? Visual kei, abbreviated as v-kei, is a Japanese subculture created during the 1980s, characterized mostly by extravagant makeup and hairstyles, in addition to the ... » Continue Reading
If you came to this blog, it's because you've probably heard about "Visual kei" (or it just caught your attention lol), but do you really know what it is? Hello! I'm Luciel. How have you been this year? Well, in this blog I will talk about visual kei, its history and the way it became one of the most appreciated subcultures for many =) First, what is visual kei? Visual kei, abbreviated as v-kei, ... » Continue Reading