hey guys, it is the 5th of the year and honestly, this year does not feel great so far lol. i guess i just have a problem with my life not being chaotic because it has been for so long. like usually there's sone crazy event going on and right now its just stupid. i recently went to the dentist and i have to get all four of my wisdom teeth out. but, since america is shitty and healthcare is impossi... » Continue Reading
Hey guys! it is officially the new year, 2024. and honestly, i've been thinking a lot about how i'm gonna change and how i have. i have this looming fear/anxiety that i'm just stuck. but like, also running out of time. i feel like im just stuck in one place and watching everyone else my age grow and evolve while im just angry. and i am. angry i mean lol. like im so angry that im not a good adult... » Continue Reading