this shit STINKS. I have no idea why people want ADHD, I can't do work and people think I'm annoyingly unfunny despite ADHD being the "funny" disorder. People really only care about your ADHD if you are good at masking it and it sucks so hard. I don't want to mask, when I do I end up becoming super exhausted and I end up napping for 3+ hours. Make me want to scream and throw things » Continue Reading
Ever since my father died I've had a few dreams where he is in them and they feel so Real The first one was on the night my dad's funeral was going to happen, it was the most realistic one. I was wandering outside the front of our house (which looked exactly like our home just with our old white paint instead of the brown we have now) and there was a massive Jade tree planted that in my brain I kn... » Continue Reading