Category: Quiz/Survey
Survey taken from: WiNTERiZER Can you fill this out without lying? i think so What's the last thing you put in your mouth? yogurt Have you ever kissed anyone named Matthew? never kissed at all » Continue Reading
"i am jack's broken heart"
romanian. just ken
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Category: Quiz/Survey
Survey taken from: WiNTERiZER Can you fill this out without lying? i think so What's the last thing you put in your mouth? yogurt Have you ever kissed anyone named Matthew? never kissed at all » Continue Reading
Category: Life
There was never a safe space on the internet. Ever, in any place, in any group, on any account, no matter how much you wanted it to be a safe space. Internet users are the worst people possible. It's not enough what I go through as is, it's not enough that i have mysterious mental illnesses that i will never be able to treat and that destroy me day by day People on the internet never saw each oth... » Continue Reading
— 3 Kudos
Category: Quiz/Survey
survey found at MvonPhelps6 1. What is your name? Kurt 2. What color shirt are you wearing now? Black, it's a shirt with iron maiden 3. What are you listening to right now? nothing, but th » Continue Reading
— 3 Kudos
Category: Blogging
whenever i start becoming interested in something i go crazy about it so obviously i consider myself part of the fandom. however recently i've just been refusing to interact with the fandom of any of my interests or even call myself part of it tbh usually i don't even have a fandom i can interact with because i like some pretty uncommon things so there's little to no content to even consume BUT wh... » Continue Reading
Category: Quiz/Survey
original survey found from: sean 🪓 ⦻ name: Kurt » Continue Reading
Category: Quiz/Survey
found the survey from: raven and the infinite sadness gonna be editing this every time i feel like it lol 1. what's your fav » Continue Reading