Choosing a name: 1. you CANNOT have a name of any graffiti legend 2. you can pick literally anything, like actually any word works. Not only that but you can have multiple names so I'd personally play around with that a little bit. 3. don't change your primary tag name because its difficult, I've personally started to consider changing my name "GRRIM" completely for the simple fact that its hard t... » Continue Reading
My basic info: Name: Em, DJ, GRR1M, or Grim Age: 15 Pronouns: I use He/Him and She/they when I feel like it --- I update my preferred pronouns on my profile Birthday: September 24th Sexuality: Pansexual single/taken: taken Favorites » Continue Reading
I just found an easier way 2 turn on dark mode so I apologize 2 any1 that saw this post b4 now all u gotta do is right click spacehey n then select "force dark page" besides that if you know how to code you can prolly figure out how to customize SpaceHey the way u want :] » Continue Reading