Category: Blogging
Basic criteria, say slurs you cant reclaim, have hurt my friends, my exs or friends of my exs, use the term " pick mes " , use narcsisstict as an insult, irls, 22+, -11 » Continue Reading
"dc: noticedbythegrinch I think atleast is what it is .."
14 , eng / rus , gyaru , fl -_-
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Category: Blogging
Basic criteria, say slurs you cant reclaim, have hurt my friends, my exs or friends of my exs, use the term " pick mes " , use narcsisstict as an insult, irls, 22+, -11 » Continue Reading
Category: Friends
i have schizophrenia , audhd , hypersexual , misophonia , and dyslexia. Im very loud and talkative. I have speculated NPD and BPD. I make kys / kms type jokes and sexual jokes tell me if ur uncomfy !! I have jealousy issues, I say slurs I CAN RECLAIM ( ex ; r slur, d slur , f slur . ) I can be mean and bully as a joke and if I make you upset with the things I say tell me!!! » Continue Reading