I love Tv girl music , but I also have to aknowlege that majority , if not all , of their lyrics are veiled by a thin layer of mysoginy. One particular female figure in their entire discography is my personal Joker. I love Maddie Klein , especially in "Song about me" , Where an entire part of the song gives her a spotlight m sice it's Maddie that is singing. » Continue Reading
Is she a femcel or is she just based? Is she a femcel or she just doesn't want to interact with you? Is she a femcel or is she just minding her business not caring abt getting dolled up and going out? Is she a femcel or are you just a micro sized Incel gfto I h4t3 men so much » Continue Reading
"Hate yourself" by Tv girl is for the women who crave emotional validation , especially the ones who were raises to think that they were ugly , but also for the women who use "love" to cope with their sense of emptyness. I personally find the quote "how long will it take before you start to hate yourself and go straight to the arms of someone else" » Continue Reading