Trent reznor pisses on your profile code + Long time no see hey!!!
Category: Music
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"gay cowboy strip club (Revamping profile shh)"
16 he/him📍 Cemetery Drive, KY
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Category: Music
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Category: Music
Haiii!!!! So I've always been a big fan of electronic music. A lot of my favorite songs as a kid were very dubstep/trap inspired. U can probably imagine how happy i was when i found out about Jonathan Davis's alter ego that he used in the early 2010s named JDevil. 'JDevil' made dubstep, primarily, which i think pairs really well with the way he does vocals... I Just wanted to share some of my favo... » Continue Reading
— 4 Kudos
Category: SpaceHey
HI!!!! ive never used spacehey i was just bored and id figure id make an account... this is awesome!!! im glad thers still people that want the internet to be like it was 15 years ago, lol :-) » Continue Reading