Hi fellas, hoping you are having a marvelous time. I have a problem that's been haunting me for the past 4 years or so, and it's about an old flash game I loved. THE GAME IN QUESTION I do not remember it's name, where it came from or anything, I just remember playing it a lot on a page (juegos.com, I'm a Mexican fella), it was like a flash 2D platformer game where you c » Continue Reading
HELLO BIG CITY I'M BACK!! So, I've been absent for a while, but I've been cooking. See, I recently got a Wii for myself, bought it at a flea market close to my home, and it has been a blast playing my first ever Wii. I know I'm late to the party, but saw ways to ahem put it back online. So I did. Now, I'm looking for some new friends to play someday, or just have contacts to share Miis, ma » Continue Reading
Ya vi los primeros 3 caps de esta burrada Está bien bonito y bien chistosón, me reí fuertecito mientras lo veía. Seguramente si siga viendo los estrenos semanales. El Sups caritativo original>>>>>>>>>>>>El Sups Edgy Jajeado/10 » Continue Reading