Category: Music
If MY music isn't good enough for you, I have dozens of playlists! here's one now: » Continue Reading
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Category: Music
If MY music isn't good enough for you, I have dozens of playlists! here's one now: » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Music
Last time, I outputted a slapdash mash up of information I used to set up my Icecast server the first time. Now that I've had some practice navigating unix and setting this up, here is a redux, for self hosting the server. Step 1: procure a unix distro, I'm using Ubuntu for Windows Subsystem . After familiarizing yourself with the terminal, you'll download Icecast using this command 'sudo ap » Continue Reading
— 6 Kudos
Category: Music
Okay so this is a post meant to simplify some info from a website and an annoyingly long video. 1. First what you're gonna want to do is get a server... Don't be scared by this a "server" is just a computer connected to the internet. You can literally use the computer you are on. If you want to use your own PC skip to step 2. 1b. if you want to have a domain name or just don't want to waste your o... » Continue Reading
Category: Music
If you didn't know, most radio streams nowadays are just streamed from an open data port on a computer, one of these ports belonged to NuSkoolBreaks. Like the only radio station still playing breakbeat in modern day. Welp. now there are 0 radio stations doing as such. rest in peace. If you're interested in OTHER online radio stations though. You can find my » Continue Reading
Category: Music
Is my taste pretentious enough for you yet? "How'd you make that?" link . » Continue Reading
Category: Music
If it wasn't obvious, I am a musician, if you wanna support my stuff, check the links in bio. also donate or purchase please (im starving) » Continue Reading