Nerf mega cycloneshock
"Bullying some random furry hunter"
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Ok thank you smm for the kudos on last blog but heres more ranting abt furry hunters
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
"It's hunting season boys get your guns ready" like bro ur nerf guns ain't going to do shit "worth it" so your saying killing somebody is worth 10 years in prison??!?!? "We fixed her guys" (insert furry quitting fursuiting) no you haven't?? Like you broke 2 communities and you call yourself a W? Fuck no the only thing thats a W is your virginity for leaving you "scared" "mad" Man Allah is more mad... » Continue Reading
— 4 Comments— 16 Kudos
Nerf was ruined by furry hunters
Category: Games
Since the furry hunters have come to this world nerf is now ruined. Like bro I saw a video of a dude showing off his nerf guns when someone called him "furry hunter" like bro how about you hunt your virginity it's running away. I'm a furry supporter and a nerf guy and it's unacceptable. Shit on me all you want » Continue Reading