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Category: SpaceHey
I wish there was a way to upload pics from our galleries on our phones or computers instead of using a link. » Continue Reading
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Category: SpaceHey
I wish there was a way to upload pics from our galleries on our phones or computers instead of using a link. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Another life walked out of, and this time it was the one I love on a soul level. It's something I should have done a very long time ago. So now the initial hurt is back all over again. A friend tells me that it's going to feel fresh now, because I'm just now properly walking away like I should have. So it's new all over again. He moved on years ago, and treated me like a placeholder in between gir... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
It is the hardest thing in the world to walk away from people you were super close to because they decided to take advantage of your heart. I have removed said person from TikTok, and unfollowed them on Facebook (since I don't have the strength to completely remove them yet). My advice to anyone going through something similar; Don't dwell on it. It will tear you apart. Don't rant or vent to them... » Continue Reading