So I have been away from SpaceHey for quite some time but Hive and MySpace trending on Twitter got me to sign back on. I am curious about checking Hive out but if I hardly sign on to SpaceHey, what makes me think I'll use Hive on a regular basis? Besides, SpaceHey is a lot more awesome. » Continue Reading
So before I deleted my MySpace account, I actually took screenshots of my profile and everything in it [because I'm weird like that]. So now that the spectre of MySpace has been raised via SpaceHey, I decided to take a look at the old screenshots. It looks like I deleted my account around 10-11 years ago...hard to believe it's been that long! Anyway, I looked at my friends list and I realized th... » Continue Reading
So today, the day after signing up, I tried to log back on to SpaceHey. However, I kept getting a message that I had entered the wrong password. I figured that perhaps I had created a variation of the password I thought I had used so I tried several, but to no avail. Finally, I just clicked on the "I Forgot My Password" link and guess what? The feature was still under construction!! I didn't k... » Continue Reading