HELLO! I genuinely keep forgetting I have an account here. Then again it brings me joy whenever I open it.. n s p stamps. But yeah, hello. I've been drawing a lot recently. I'm kind of doing it for this site called unvale, but part of it is for Artfight. I am VERY EXCITED » Continue Reading
I still kinda draw. Idk what I'm doing anymore to be honest. Just fixiated on the Game Grumps and all that. Hopefully I'll move soon. The world is falling apart I guess. I've been drawing stick characters and what not a lot more.. and this is the result. Sud (alien guy) is my favorite. Dynamo is thinking about space.. he's made up of dying stars. Copper is still a terrifi » Continue Reading
So like randomly I just got into just Rock and shit. Mostly Nu Metal and Indie crap, I dunno just started listening to a bunch of it. Then I recently went to the Flea Market and GUESS WHAT I FOUND? CDs. Err I was gonna get more but I only brought so much lol. Eh, I just got AC/DC, Limp Bizkit and Barenaked Ladies. I'm hoping to come back and buy more CDs . They also had a whole fuckin RECORD PLAYE... » Continue Reading