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Category: Blogging
this is to watch Garfield https://watchgarfield.carrd.co/ this is a website about old robots https://www.theoldrobots.com/ this is to make those funny gifs with text » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
this is to watch Garfield https://watchgarfield.carrd.co/ this is a website about old robots https://www.theoldrobots.com/ this is to make those funny gifs with text » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
what’s up I died but I came back. anybody else see this junk? I swear sometimes I'll just be hanging out or whatever and out of no where I get these shadows in my vision. It's like black blobs in random places of my vision, they're not any specific shape and they fade away after a while but they're annoying. I've also been seeing some freaky people, I see double of the same person. I'll be walkin... » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
Today was really lame, nothing cool happened. It was like 300 degrees Fahrenheit outside and class was boring as usual. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day. » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
dude I literally get freaked out by the ocean or whatever but those videos of those fish and and the coral reefs are cool asf. They're literally just swimming around and doing NOTHING! so fucking metal » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
Dudes I have a website on neocities and something catastrophic happened. all the images I was using came from this one website the the website got taken down for some reason. Even the background images and everything. I was linking all the images using URLs not image files, so my whole website is just white with no images. this is literally so not cool. Oh well guess I gotta find new images lol » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Hey dudes, some weird stuff has been happening lately. So I have to walk home after school, from the bus and I’ve been finding some cool stuff. I’ve been finding sick little trinkets in the exact same spot next to the roa » Continue Reading