ok imma say spoiler warning cuz im gonna mention somethings from the ending but if u haven't seen the show and still reading this GO AND WATCH IT! its prob my favorite MTV cartoon and might even be in my top 10 adult cartoons because its that good, its all on youtube. ANYWAYS the ending is so upsetting for me but IMO def the deserved ending. so ofc alex got what he deserved cuz he was only into se... » Continue Reading
Basically, my blog is gon be just stuff that I think other people would find interesting so for today that means recent pick-ups from the thrift, flea, antique stores, or homies. I recently picked up a 80s mickey mouse sweater, a 2000s Lance 3 watch, sum kikwear pants, and a dc belt buckle. I prob am forgetting other pickups but that's all the highlights lmk if yall want pics or sum shit. when it ... » Continue Reading