IF UR A HOMESTUCK FAN OR WANNA EDIT OR NARRATE, IWEUHFWIO LISTEN :3 I have a project im making called voicestuck, me n my friends doing that, and we need people to help!! You dont have to read homestuck to be apart of the project (editors do, thats it tho-) we need voice actors!!!!! JOIN OUR DISCORD! We also have a VRCHAT group!! https://discord.gg/T5tXd35UMS » Continue Reading
every video i click on tiktok has to have something "wrong" with it. Whether its the person in there is "ugly" or "cringe". the people that miss 2020 are actually nice, bc they dont care about the cringy part. and now on tiktok anything thats remotely bad people make fun of, and i get scared to post anything on there bc of it. its not really safe anymore from anything- (FYI- some of the stuff from... » Continue Reading