Hello everyone! So… there’s a problem… IM LOSING MY TOOTH!!! Honestly, I thought I was out of the losing tooth stage. And what doesn’t help is that this tooth is a molar, meaning it’s in the back. And I have a cavity in it (I PROMISE Spicy keeps their teeth brushed and cleaned!) it just popped out of nowhere! My mom has absolutely refused to take me to the dentist for some reason.. and that tooth ... » Continue Reading
Hello everyone! I am extremely sorry for not writing, I just have not have the motivation. But I absolutely refuse to let my fatigue come back and take away my blog— I will continue and force myself to write even if I don’t want to. This will improve my mental health and give at least one person entertainment! A lot of fun things have happened in the past week— I got to call with a friend, and jus... » Continue Reading
Today for the first time in two years, when I woke up I didn’t worry at all. My fatigue was GONE! I actually had real energy and motivation, I didn’t just wanna consume myself up in anxiety. I felt so randomly happy. I’ve never been happier. Of course every few hours I started to worry again, but I quickly consumed those worries and I just feel so much better today. I have prayed for this for a wh... » Continue Reading
Today was definitely a day! It was not the best day, but it’s okay. I did have improvements in other things! I would also like to say I rode in the car today, and I kept seeing my birthday everywhere. Maybe it is a sign? The ride was very quiet (despite the NONSTOP talking) and it was just tense. I saw a funny man holding out a sign, he was dancing in a suit. Never though I’d see one of those in r... » Continue Reading
Today was lowk just boring.. I spent most of the day thinking (which I HATE! doing) and that was pretty much it. I did listen to music and stuff like that, but I didn’t talk to my friends that much, everyone is busy and in different time zones. Whenever I wake up my friends are all going to sleep! I mean.. that’s all, there is a before truth and the mimic chapter two though! Have a nice night. » Continue Reading
Hello Everyone! Today was so HOT. I literally felt like I was going to melt— and today also hasn’t been the best day, but it definitely has not beet the worse. It’s a mix of emotions, fear and happiness. But I’ll be it, I will bounce back from anything and everything. I played outside for a while today, im glad and I was SO tired afterward. I’ve also had a good meal today! My mother cooked ( I lov... » Continue Reading
Hello everyone! My name is Pepper, but you can refer to me as spicy… because peppers are spicy! And mostly because of my username too. Take a brief introduction! I am a super cool kid who likes to write, that’s surprising because I despise reading! I really like to make things like Kandi and I love music like Red Velvet or In Love With A Ghost. I wear glasses and I’m very picky about the clothing ... » Continue Reading