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15, queer, any pronouns, american, soCal

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tarot cards and self help

Category: Life

recently I've been feeling like dogshit and stressed out about a lot of different things in my life, and it feels as if I'm getting worse and worse. lately I've been growing more interested in tarot as a way to give me hope and guidance, alongside my own desires and stability. just watched like 3 youtube videos and they all were so supportive, and somehow very accurate to my current passions! sinc... » Continue Reading

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tarot cards and self help

Category: Life

recently I've been feeling like dogshit and stressed out about a lot of different things in my life, and it feels as if I'm getting worse and worse. lately I've been growing more interested in tarot as a way to give me hope and guidance, alongside my own desires and stability. just watched like 3 youtube videos and they all were so supportive, and somehow very accurate to my current passions! sinc... » Continue Reading

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