do you wanna know what keeps me up at night, what really gets my gears grinding the fact that there is an entire fanbase dedicated to a mark zuckerberg biopic how am i supposed to sleep knowing someone has, of their own volition, wrote ‘MARK ZUCKERBERG x whoever the fuck andrew garfield’s character is’ slash and posted it to ao3. i don’t know. this rant was brought about while looking through spot... » Continue Reading
cue mic tapping. hello, hello. not really sure how to 'get myself out there' on this site yet. hopefully a blog post will do. i'm el. i'm 19 and a freshman. most of my information is on my page (though it's still a major WIP). currently looking for friends so feel free to add me. got tired of regular social media, thought this would be a good outlet instead. facts about me: i volunteer with an... » Continue Reading