Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
Why isthe nurse from jjba so thicc.This isn't even the style. uwu. » Continue Reading
"Nothing. I never do anything."
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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
Why isthe nurse from jjba so thicc.This isn't even the style. uwu. » Continue Reading
— 3 Kudos
Category: Blogging
This weekend I went to Chuck E. Cheeses and I played some games and yeah. I literally wasted 2 or 3 coins on the wheel to run on and then I realized how to actually do it. I don't even knowhow they expect us to get so many tickets for little things. We were about to leave without getting anything for the "hard work" when I see the animatronics. I was terrified because I was getting into FNAF and I... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
So me and my girlfriend haven't broken up yet and like I thought it was going good but she's going to a different school and she says that we won't be able to date. I'm thinking about just getting her number and getting her parents number so that we can hang out. Bruh, my friend has a girlfriend that goes to a completely different school and he's still dating. I'm gonna try again to tell her but i... » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
I want you all to go to youtube and look Hanoka up right now. You should see this it is totally a good anime. Now when you watch this I want you to listen to the voice acting. The people who did this were dead serious okay. So go in the comments and tell me what you think. » Continue Reading
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
I want you all to go to youtube and look Hanoka up right now. You should see this it is totally a good anime. Now when you watch this I want you to listen to the voice acting. The people who did this were dead serious okay. So go in the comments and tell me what you think. » Continue Reading
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
I'm just wondering if any of you have seen some of those old, crusty musty manga adaptions. Like RurounixKenshin or Naruto. Well Naruto is alright and I do really like Shippuden. Well here is another one Dragon Ball. I know for sure that the manga was better. It's probably because these two are old but I think the manga make the characters look fresher. You know when the story and the characters a... » Continue Reading
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
I'm just wondering if any of you have seen some of those old, crusty musty manga adaptions. Like RurounixKenshin or Naruto. Well Naruto is alright and I do really like Shippuden. Well here is another one Dragon Ball. I know for sure that the manga was better. It's probably because these two are old but I think the manga make the characters look fresher. You know when the story and the characters a... » Continue Reading