So b4s1c4lly I'm fr0nt1ng 4 most 0f da day right? Wh1l3 I w4sn't l00king, 2 k1ds wer3 squ1rt1ng w4t3r at e4choth3r and a sh1tl0ad of w4t3r was squ1rt3d ont0 us !!!! N3xt th1ng 1 kn0w is s0m3 g!rl T00K 0^R W4T3R B0TTL3 FR0M US, AND PR0C33D3D 2 SPL4SH TH3 0TH3R G^Y W1TH 1T. N33dl3ss 2 s@y w3're g0nna be th1rsty TmT » Continue Reading