and covered in copper wire, he found a new way to celebrate. one that was not self centered and self contained, one that felt more important than anything else he had done in his life. he stepped one foot after the other brisuqely to the balcony overlooking his plain. empty but for one tree, sprouting greenish leaves crudely and ungracefully in all directions, like an afterthought. he was so upset... » Continue Reading
as i sit in my village of ice i cannot help but wonder if my rulings of the town was destructive enough to be the fully "cherry on top" icing that destroyed my world; beneath my feet;as i was born of ice and became of ice and was surrounded by ice my entire life and was only told to avoid fire and ignore fire i could not even imagine what i was opposed to .. now i see the most clearly, the mixture... » Continue Reading
He's sweet. He cares about nature and always recycles. He's an esteemed businessman. His guitar wouldn't look out of place in, say, Rivers Cuomo's hands. He has a sense of humour that only a genius can understand He's silly and kind, but never flippant. He would never hurt a baby monkey. Mana-Sama, if y » Continue Reading