LMAO so one of my buddies showed up to class in a whole spiderman suit and the silence that followed was so comedic I can't- 😭 😭 😭 Ngl they lookin' pretty fine in that suit. But ANYWAYS, I completely forgot that we had a graduation ceremony rehearsal to attend so I just kinda drifted between classrooms wondering where tf everyone went 💀. This one girl that was giving a speech onstage started cryin... » Continue Reading
Ok so I was just chilling in first period, right? History finals were pretty decent (I got a B 🥳 ) and the professor kicks us out of the classroom 5 minutes earlier than we were supposed to leave. Students literally causing a traffic jam in every hallway and nobody knows where to go because our second period classes were still in session for first period, so we had to wait outside the room. But t... » Continue Reading