How did I forget!
Category: Blogging
Nah because seriously, how did I forget about this website! Absolutely crazy. But well I am back... lets see for how long!!! » Continue Reading
"Watching the Grand Prix "
she/her 18
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Category: Blogging
Nah because seriously, how did I forget about this website! Absolutely crazy. But well I am back... lets see for how long!!! » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I really dont want my vacation to end so soon already. :( School is also soon over and I have major anxiety because of it. I just hope it is going to be smooth. But at least I am using the last of my free days. » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Blogging
Today was the Math exam. It was luckily easier than German but still... Now there is only english left Thank God But I am also thinking about maybe skipping it because we will not get a grade for it and I could learn more for Math then But English is like really easy and I can just chill when I am finished So yeahhhh... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
OMG Today I needed to write a 4 hour german exam So dead right now Hate school Hopefully its gonna be better than a C If not... someone dies... » Continue Reading