grace <3

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"being emo"

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unpopular opinion

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Is it just me but I like classic horror films more than ones that have came out in the past twenty years. sure they may be shitty due to the technology of that time, but they're just more entertaining and more real. If anyone was wondering what my favorite is, it's the shining 100%.I know that shitty things were done while it was produced. that's all I got tonight. stay tuned, I might post more ev... » Continue Reading

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Ai artists

Category: Art and Photography

Dude they fucking suck. As a real artist that has spent years perfecting and finding a art style that suits me it really pisses me off like they just generate art instead actually of real art. Ai art isn't art real i don't care if you disagree » Continue Reading

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