survey abt me <3
Category: Quiz/Survey
if you could only listen to 1 song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose? » Continue Reading
she/her 15 gay al
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Category: Quiz/Survey
if you could only listen to 1 song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose? » Continue Reading
Category: Books and Stories
tw: school sh**ting im reading this is where it ends and omg I didn't expect this it's so sad so far and I'm only halfway through. i had no idea that half of the book would be the actual shooting i just thought it would be the aftermath so that was unexpected. it's kinda scary and hard to read bc its so real and especially since the book is set in the same state i live in that makes it even more s... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
my tiktok is @darcy.core im super cool and u should follow me :) » Continue Reading