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Life is Good

Category: Blogging

The past few weeks had been really bad for me but just recently I adopted a new cat! My dad was insistent on naming our next cat so his name is Mr. Meowgi (like Mr. Miyagi get it). I've started going out to feed the stray cats by the neighborhood and my mom and I found the baby so we took him. We asked around to see if he belonged to anyone but he didn't and he was a few months old. We'll be takin... » Continue Reading

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appreciate your washing machine

Category: Life

if any of you have those washing machines that sing you a little song when they're done pls appreciate it it's so cute and nice and I know that it is a machine that doesn't have feelings but the people that invented that washing machine could've just made it beep when it was over but no they made it sing a cute little jingle humans are so cute » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

What up dogs this is my introduction! I've never honestly had a blog before but always felt it was necessary for the teenage experience so here I am :)  I'm 15, speak english, spanish, and learning ASL, and I'm pretty well versed in the art of moving around the world.  I normally feel like I don't do a lot but I'm actually lying to myself because I'm currently on a mission to make my room as crowd... » Continue Reading

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