Looking to start a Minecraft realm.
Category: Games
Looking to start a Minecraft realm, need some more players to join. No set rules yet, but going for a community driven experience. Let me know if you want in. » Continue Reading
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SpaceHey Blog URL:
Category: Games
Looking to start a Minecraft realm, need some more players to join. No set rules yet, but going for a community driven experience. Let me know if you want in. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I forgot I had gatorade on the roof of my car, and didn't realize till someone pointed it out as I left a Walmart parking lot (keep in mind he tried to point it out as he passed me in the actual parking lot but I assumed he was trying to flip me off and just kept driving past him, because my brain assumes everyone hates me on sight). At this point I calmly pull over into the grass seperating the d... » Continue Reading