tomorrow is a very special day for me - I have something special planned for myself too! but before I get onto that ramble, I gotta explain what I've been doing the past 1st month or so: Recently I joined ... Reddit. BUT HEAR ME OUT, I'm only on there just for the fandoms - like Guilty Gear or OC-related ones. I recently found this selfship-based one called r/fictolove and it's very cozy there. ma... » Continue Reading
OK! First entry on here - *ahem* SO a few months back nintendo (or rlly capcom) had rereleased one of my favorite games on the switch! I’m literally at the end but since im so flogged* with schoolwork AND moving ‘things around’ i’ve been unable to finish it :p From the looks of it they’ve added a bunch of like storyboard and stuff after you finish the game - and i think that’s the coolest thing ev... » Continue Reading