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Category: Web, HTML, Tech
Facebook sucks, just made a new profile, and I am already suspended from basically doing anything until Thursday, and for no reason.... like.... Fuck them! All Hail SpaceHey! » Continue Reading
"SpaceHeying ;)"
15, USA, Ohio, Dublin
Last active:
SpaceHey Blog URL:
— 2 Kudos
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
Facebook sucks, just made a new profile, and I am already suspended from basically doing anything until Thursday, and for no reason.... like.... Fuck them! All Hail SpaceHey! » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Life
Sorry I've been missing everyone.... I got covid, and I'm really down for the count. Sorry for the delay I basically slept for days and kinda feel okay. » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Life
So I am trying to bring in the new year with hopefully a significant other!! (Boy or girl) so hit me up and don't be shy! trying to break out of this shy exterior and experience new things! » Continue Reading