Changed my desktop theme :3
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
I finally changed my desktop theme after having the same one for a while.... For some reason my laptop wouldn't let me take a screenshot of my lock screen, but I changed » Continue Reading
21, he/him. IL, USA (MDNI!)
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SpaceHey Blog URL:
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
I finally changed my desktop theme after having the same one for a while.... For some reason my laptop wouldn't let me take a screenshot of my lock screen, but I changed » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Blogging
Hi everyone! I'm very excited to start posting on this account ! Writing blog posts is something that I have been wanting to do for some time, even though I'm not the most familiar w HTML + CSS when it comes to styling. I don't have a specific purpose for this account, it will mostly just be casual posts about my life, what I like, etc! I do have a long-form-ish blog on neocities (although I have... » Continue Reading