I finally have around 600 miles on my new bike! She has treated me well so far and I can't wait to ride more, but its getting cold out! I feel like 600 miles in 3 months isn't that much but I mostly just ride around locally for a few hours each time, so I have been getting a lot of street experience. Also after 3 months, I finally got my license plate! Glad to not be riding without a plate anymore... » Continue Reading
Hello! This is my first blog post on SpaceHey, welcome! What is a Pwnagotchi? (◕‿‿◕) A Pwnagotchi is like a Tamagotchi, but they eat wifi! To be more technical, they are a reinforcement-learning based AI program that "feeds" and learns from the wifi to crack WPA keys and handshakes. They can also deauthenticate devices from wifi networks and associate with those devices to get wifi networks ha... » Continue Reading