waitin for my frickin pen to come in so i can use my drawing tablet again it broke like forever ago n it was chill cuz i couldnt even use my brothers laptop but now like his is absolutely MANGLED i dunno how someone breaks a computer that bad like- the keyboard was lit coming off :3 usin my sisters old potato laptop it can barely run my spacehey profile but itz chill:P » Continue Reading
3rmmm h4i:3 ngl wh4t do i 3ven s4y in thes3 bl0g th1ngz uhhh y0u guyz sh0uld b3 my fr1end t0tally cuz im 4mazing 4nnddddd y3zzz =^w^= 4ls0 lik3 if theres 4nyth1ng y0u guyz th1ng i sh0uld bl0g 4bt or 4nyth1ng y0u guyz c4 defin3tly t3ll me cuzzzzz 1 lik3 h4ve the ment4lity of a spid3r:3 l1keee y9u guyz c4n tott4lly comm3nt on my stuff cuzzz im pr0bably w4yyyy mor3 sc4red of y0u th3n u r of m3 :3 ... » Continue Reading
I HAVE A LINK TREE ACCOUNT NOW, FINNALLY I DONT HAVE TO SEND IFTY DIFFERENT LINKS JUST TO SHOW ALL MY ACCOUNTS https://linktr.ee/sodapop_squakz BAM THATS IT GO CHECK IT IT HAS ALL MY OTHER SOCIALS ON IT AND MOST OF THEM I POST THE VOIDS REFLECTION ON, on tumblr i post only the voids reflection insta is just all tiktom which i barely ever post on has some little sneak peaks for songs or something o... » Continue Reading