Well, after being used for far too long, I've finally decided to give Chrome the boot. Still testing out various browsers 'n whatnot to see what I like, though I've been enjoying the Pale Moon browser so far. If anyone has any browser recommendations, feel free to suggest 'em! » Continue Reading
Been trying to decide how exactly I want to use the blog platform SpaceHey offers. I'm unsure if I want to use it as the type where I write down whenever I experience a Thought™, or save it for more formed ideas/opinions/whatever and keep my stream of consciousness posts for bulletins. Also need to learn proper formatting lol » Continue Reading
Seriously, I dunno what it is exactly, but something about the design is just awesome to me. The simple colors and short animations all fit into one small size is just really pleasing. And multiple banners side-by-side look super cool. Thank you Netscape for bringing about this standard. bright colors + blinking lights = very good design yes Also! If anyone wants to make their own, I found a blank... » Continue Reading
Ok ok ok so Im finally getting around to writing this up, Ive been meaning to do this ever since I started this profile, but I fell down the CSS/HTML rabbithole and have just recently escaped. ANYWAY Howdy! First off, thank you for taking the time to look at this. These machines have been a labor of love, and I absolutely enjoy discussing them with people who also enjoy them. I've been collecting ... » Continue Reading