Thanksgiving weekend is the first weekend of holiday shopping. Kicking off with the ever brutal gladiator battle known as “Black Friday.” One day after giving thanks for all the good things in our lives, many of us find ourselves in line at a big box store, ready to kill whomever stands between us and that $25 TV. But this year, I did it different. Most of the holiday shopping has been done onlin... » Continue Reading
Unless you are approaching millionaire status, it would be nearly impossible to own and play every single game on every single system. Retro gaming is an expensive hobby. While I do have most of the consoles I ever dreamed about owning as a kid, and most of the games I always wanted to play, I don't have everything. That's why I have several modded systems and a batocera emulation station built on... » Continue Reading
Handheld/portable games were generally a "port" of a console game, and rarely lived up to their brother system's playability. Often lacking the graphics and even the button mapping, most ports to handheld games had little to do with the original console versions, save the name. Tekken Advance for Gameboy Advance and Star Wars The Force unleashed were two very well done ports. Both in game play » Continue Reading
Since this site is so retro, I think I'll use this blog space to talk about old-school video games and systems. I might throw in a few posts about old tech, in general as well. I'm a bit of a retro gaming collector and currently have 52 different systems and thousands of games in my personal collection. I'm always buying and selling and getting new (to the collection) stuff. I'm rather partial to... » Continue Reading